What is radiation sickness?(2)
The degree of illness (acute radiation sickness) depends on the dose and the rate of exposure. Exposure from x-rays or gamma rays is measured in units of roentgens. For example:
1. Total body exposure of 100 roentgens causes radiation sickness.
2. Total body exposure of 400 roentgens causes radiation sickness and death in half the individuals.
3. 100,000 rads causes almost immediate unconsciousness and death within an hour
The severity of symptoms and illness depends on the type and amount of radiation, the duration of the exposure, and the body areas exposed. Symptoms of radiation sickness usually do not occur immediately following exposure.
Because it is difficult to determine the amount of radiation exposure from accidents, the best indications of the severity of the exposure are: the length of time between the exposure and the onset of symptoms, the severity of symptoms, and severity of changes in white blood cells.
Children who receive radiation treatments or who are accidentally exposed to radiation will be treated based on their symptoms and their blood cell counts. Frequent blood studies are necessary and require a small puncture through the skin into a vein to obtain blood samples.
Then the causes include: Accidental exposure to high doses of radiation, such as in certain occupations Exposure to excessive radiation for medical treatments (may include excessively high doses, excessive time of exposure, or excessive body areas exposed)