
Leading medical service

              Recently, China medical service market scale has expanded gradually, but private medical institutions development is relatively lag behind and the whole medical service level is in a lower level.
 In addition, domestic market has a larger demand of leading medical service. The demands are from: The rich people has asked new requirements for medical service; Medical tourism has developed gradually and leading medical insurance products are rich.
                At present, China's leading medical service has done mainly through three channels: Leading general hospital, Leading specialized subject hospital and leading service department of public hospital. In general hospital industry, Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou have already 29 brands and nearly one hundred leading medical institutions. Among of them, there are 90% joint ventures/cooperation enterprises. Specialized subject leading hospital’s threshold is relatively low, especially ophthalmology, dental and specialized subject hospital on women and children have developed fast. But they are lack of experts and medical equipments, such as digital x ray machine, high frequency mobile x ray machine, mobile c arm. Leading services of public hospital have not only developed early, but also the form is various.
Leading medical service development has concluded two trends: Market competition is vehemently and foreign medical group has expanded fast in domestic. Some foreign capital enterprises have entered into market by acquisition; some private medical institutions have gone into leading; Second, The service object and content are diversification.
              Leading medical industry has developed to professional direction. The doctor is lack of that. With leading medical industry development, leading medical has occupied public medical resources gradually; On the one hand, we should strengthen the personnel training of leading medical industry by the social and medical institution interior ; On the other hand, we can introduce oversea physician resources with the cooperation of foreign medical institutions; In addition, for avoiding public hospital leading, we should encourage civilian battalion hospital to develop and meet the demand of the market for leading medical industry.

