1, fluorescence photography device
It is a transmission of X line projected in after a filter line of the influence of the gate screen miniature technology, also called indirect photography, used in respect of other occupational disease prevention and check, but with X-ray equipment installed in the car together, the flow of collective X-ray.
2, Breast photography device
Adopting soft X-ray examination by breast, fat and connective tissue fiber of the low contrast device to early diagnosis of breast cancer or other lesions.
Adopting soft X-ray examination by breast, fat and connective tissue fiber of the low contrast device to early diagnosis of breast cancer or other lesions.
3, Portable and mobile X-ray equipment
Portable and mobile X-ray device used for family, patients transfer on the way, operation, and pediatrics and critically ill patient care ward, is now mostly with high frequency X-ray equipment.
Portable and mobile X-ray device used for family, patients transfer on the way, operation, and pediatrics and critically ill patient care ward, is now mostly with high frequency X-ray equipment.
4, Dental photography device
Mainly used in the oral cavity teeth hubei system photography, may obtain the face and double jaws panoramic images. The narrow gap x-rays, the patients were a low dose of radiation.
Mainly used in the oral cavity teeth hubei system photography, may obtain the face and double jaws panoramic images. The narrow gap x-rays, the patients were a low dose of radiation.
5, Cerebral photography device
Dedicated to head X-ray photography, with activity filter line gate device, usually with high-power X-ray generator are used together, in order to ensure that the cerebral angiogram of rapid continuous photography.
Dedicated to head X-ray photography, with activity filter line gate device, usually with high-power X-ray generator are used together, in order to ensure that the cerebral angiogram of rapid continuous photography.
6, Pediatrics photography device
Designed for children's design of X-ray photography device, use as far as possible high-power X-ray happen device, with a short time exposure for rapid organ activities, by special device ensure exposure and breathing phase synchronization.
China’s 65 KW x ray machine manufacturers
At present the extensive use of hospital for double bed two pipe X-ray machine, it can not only meet the use of hospital, also can improve the work efficiency.Medical treatment isPLD5000 perlong production double bed two pipe 65 KW x ray machine. At all levels of the human body for hospital head, chest, abdomen, lumbar, limbs parts of a lie, a common side of photography, some piece of photography and high kv photography. It Matches vertical photo frame, can be used for routine head, chest, abdomen, pelvic, spine and surrounding endings check photography. Perlong Medical’s 65 KW x ray machine can also be used in perspective and some piece of photography, use it can undertake the digestive tract, mri, biliary imaging, urinary tract imaging and lower limb vein and so on many kinds of imaging. It can also be used to in perspective, under the plastic fracture take foreign body, etc.
How much is the 65 KW x ray machine?
If you want to know to double bed two pipe 65 KW x ray machine price, please contact perlong medical online customer service.
Article: from perlong medical (http://www.pl999.net)
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