Below is information on how C-Arms are used in a medical setting and what you as a patient can expect while undergoing this type of diagnostic imaging testing.
Many people will ask what is C-Arm? In fact, C-arms are one of the driving technological forces behind the advancement of minimally invasive surgeries. These mobile fluoroscopic imaging systems are precise and accurate devices that allow for less patient discomfort in a variety of surgical and nonsurgical procedures. The minimal invasiveness with the use of C-arms has helped lead to the increase of more cost-effective outpatient care. C-arms provide patients with minimally invasive, pain-reduced procedures.
Where is the C-Arm function? In fact, C-arm usage recently has expanded to include minimally invasive, spinal, general, and orthopedic surgeries; pain management; and cardiac, urology, vascular, and neurovascular applications.
What is the C-Arm X-Ray machine made of? An X-ray image intensifier is very important part of X-ray machine , sometimes it called a C-Arm, refers to a special image intensifier device used in medical imaging involving x rays. It consists of an input window, input phosphor, photocathode, vacuum and electron optics, output phosphor and output window.
It allows for lower x-ray doses to be used on patients by magnifying the intensity produced in the output image, enabling the viewer to easily see the structure of the object being imaged. C-Arms were introduced by Philips in 1955. As we know, Image intensifiers are usually set up for two purposes. For either plain fluoroscopy or digital subtraction angiography (DSA). All image intensifiers are set up with software capable of adjusting settings to suit different user requirements, depending on the procedure and body area being imaged. In simple flouroscopy for example, imaging of the throat would not require the same amount of exposure as that of the abdomen. And on DSA capable models, preset programs are available which enables the user to decide a rate of how many images or frames per second are acquired.
I think this main information about C-Arm X-Ray machine.
Article : From Perlong medical
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