High strength life rhythm in modern society, many people have sleep problems. To snore a lot of people know this wrong, some people even think that is a sign of sleep soundly, experts remind if night snore and noise is very big, has a great influence on not only to the people around you, at the same time also poses a great threat to their health. Actually, if this is the situation, bring home after breathing machine, can effectively solve the current domestic many hospital medical equipment can sleep monitoring. , experts said at the sleep lab, on the basis of gathering data, a growing number of clinical observation and research indicate that patients with breathing air suspended or restricted, snoring caused by sleep breathing disorder, sleep apnea hypopnea syndrom, in particular, will lead to a variety of cardiovascular diseases, and cause the dysfunction of multiple system organ.
(perlong products - S9600 Bipap machine)
perlong medical with years of experience in research and development this year, was launched two adult household sleep breathing machine: S9600 and s9800. This company produces the household breathing machine adopts pressure compensation, flow velocity, dynamic monitoring of the dynamic monitoring compensation two compensation methods, security accurately, reduce error compensation, false triggering, once available will received wide attention from all walks of life. Pran S9600 adult household snoring breathing machine applicable objects: 1. Simple obesity lead to respiratory tract (nose and throat) narrow snorers; 2, chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis, turbinate hypertrophy, septum bends, your tongue hypertrophy, uvula hypertrophy, tonsil hypertrophy, pharynx hypertrophy snorers cause upper respiratory tract stenosis; 3, congenital jaw short (small your chin) led to the upper airway Narrows, snorers;
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