
Hitachi mobile DR price | Hitachi mobile DR how much?

In the DR field, current main brands are perlong medical treatment, Hitachi, etc., of which she is the domestic medical DR is famous medical equipment brand, and Hitachi mobile DR is Japan's brand.
Hitachi mobile DR how much?
The market in addition to DR price different outside, now the DR basically all the medical image more special chipset parallel processing server, and computer and DR system fully integrated together, not only make the body tenuous, basic frequency is high, fast calculation speed, can fully meet the image large data quantity to the requirement of real-time processing, and make DR operation more simple.
DR divided into high-end DR and middle and low end DR shown below:
High-end DR are based on global unity of all the system control concept and established integrated operating system. The operating system in a working face covers the
X-ray photography all the work, including patient data registration, exposure preparation, exposure program selection, image measurement and post-processing, image printing and filing, the report production and so on.
ZhongDiDuan DR parts manufacturers also use X-ray system parameter setting, exposure program selection and patient data registration, image measurement and image post-processing, image printing and filing, the report of production independent of each other separated operating system.
High-end DR and middle and low DR in addition to technology have distinction outside, DR offer also is to have a large gap, we in the choose and buy when DR, more important is to choose a suitable job need DR, some more advanced functions, buy after return don't need to use, also is the waste.
Perlong medical PLX5200 (product pictures to see the most below) adopt international advanced digital plate detector, is a digital mobile DR, double motor drive, zero radius turn, lasting power supply, agile and convenient, brings the best benefits including simplified the working process and increase the patient through the quantity, greatly reduces the X ray dose, improve the image quality, reduce the waste piece of produce, etc. One of the most meaningful is greatly reduces the X ray dose, fully meet the various requirements of clinical, is a high performance to price ratio of DR, more advantage characteristics can be directly click on the red font into understanding.
Note: click on the red font into later, if you have any problems on the right side of the website online customer service consulting understanding, including mobile DR how many money a and so on specific issues. There is more you may need, such as: animal X-ray machine, etc.

