
Digital mammary x ray machine agents offer _ tablet mammary x ray price

In the late 1990 s, the digital tablet. The technology USES the X-ray images to digital readout technology, truly achieve X-ray NDT test automation. Therefore, have been widely applied in medical field. And then digital mammary x ray machine and tablet mammary x ray . The technology is very high, no domestic production of digital mammary x ray machine and tablet of mammary x ray machine of medical device manufacturers. If you want to know the price of tablet mammary x ray machine, the might as well consult domestic related agents.

Digital age is, indeed, has brought people great convenience, but the cost is very high. Such as the hospital at the time of purchase digital mammary x ray machine, you must first understand digital mammary x ray machine quote information. The huge cost of imports is not suitable for all hospitals, the relative level of first-class hospital patients less two tertiary hospitals, more inclined to domestic brands. Perlong medical, domestic branch Beijing standard, is the first domestic mammary x ray factory specializing in the production of high frequency. 18 years of production history, the product has after many technology upgrading, more powerful, more stable performance. Our high-end machine technical parameters and the image quality can be comparable to pure JinKouJi. In the domestic medical market application is very broad.

(perlong medical brand - high-frequency mammography  X-ray machine)

Perlong medical is independent research and development, production and sales of medical apparatus and instruments leading enterprises, the company's products in a wide range, including our image equipment in domestic medical equipment industry has been far ahead, we not only have high frequency of mammary x ray machine, also launched a high-end equipment such as digital gastrointestinal machine, flat stomach, also opened for the digital equipment do not need to import.

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