
Maintenance of microplate washer sensing breakdown

           Microplate  washer fault phenomena: switch on the power, the instrument not through self, rose to the top in flushing head become stuck when, no longer action display tip fault information: MECHANISM JAM CLAEN JAMTHEN-(YES), eliminate card plug place, and then press YES .
            Analysis overhaul: microplate washer standard orifice plate position is the automatic,  depend on automatic screw and light sensitive components (position sensor) provide all kinds of standard orifice plate and flushing head positioning microplate every boot, want to start self-inspection program, the orifice plate flush head position and other system for testing, once abnormalities are found, the screen shows error message mechanical system is the sensor control circuit mechanical parts not the reason caused by mechanical action usually have a mechanical parts of the card to die circuit faults sensor damage according to the fault reasons such as tips, cut off the power supply in the case, artificially hedge shampoo orifice plate position and screw wheel and so on mechanical parts inspection, its action normal detection circuit position sensor and its peripheral components also no abnormalities are found so they and the WeiXiuShang contact and the factory.
            Maintenance experience: the machine is the fault occurred, the reason is because of long use or long-term out of service, and no to maintain, cause sensor not clean or pollution caused by machine set automatic washing machine electronic pipeline for the integration of precision instruments, more than 80% of the fault mostly concentrated in the pipeline channel electrode (sensor) and mechanical parts to this kind of instrument to the daily maintenance and repair work very necessary after each use of electrode (sensor) and pipeline for a clean; Periodically mechanical parts of a maintenance; For a long time every time the instrument a debugging maintain this to keep the instrument good performance, low breakdown has important significance in addition, when instrument once breaks down, should follow the simple to numerous CongNan to easily the principle of whom, according to the first.

Article: from perlong medical (http://www.pl999.net/)
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