
through blood analyzer study of pathological changes hemoglobinuria

       Perlong medical equipment company information hemoglobinuria: urinary free hemoglobin more than (< 0.3 mg/L reference), cause urinary concealed blood test positive for called hemoglobinuria. Normal person, plasma hemoglobin content is very low (< 50 mg/L), and by combining with the liver bead protein binding, form macromolecular compounds after with hemoglobin, the latter can't from glomerular filtration.
      Through the blood analyzer research, when intravascular outbreak of hemolysis, as the red blood cells of destruction, a large number of hemoglobin the contact form in the blood plasma hemoglobin, hemolysis of hemoglobin produced more than the combined liver bead of proteins that can the ability to combine, by glomerular filtration, if the content than the renal tubular heavy absorption ability, they form hemoglobinuria.
Hemoglobinuria in: blood transfusion reactions, not paroxysmal sleep sex hemoglobinuria, horsebean disease, hemolytic diseases, etc.
and hematuria identification:
precipitation of the centrifugal urine clear liquid: the former is still red, the latter red subsidise.
(2) the microscopic sediment: the former see red blood cells or only red blood cell fragments, which saw a large complete red blood cells.
 (3) use clear liquid be concealed blood test: the former strong positive, the latter generally negative or only a weak positive.
 (4) use clear liquid urinary protein for qualitative test: the former positive unchanged, the latter result weakened or were negative.
and pseudo hematuria identification: such as: porphyrin urine its appearance is red wine color. Alkaline urine phenol red, there because senna, aloe etc material or acidic existing in the urine than forest, such as amino sulfonamides drugs, all showed that different degree of red.

Article: from perlong medical (http://www.pl999.net/)
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