
DNM-9606 | DNM-9606 microplate reader products manufacturer prices

DNM-9606 microplate reader is perlong medical equipment company production of an microplate reader models. Perlong medical equipment company produces microplate reader is a magical detector, it detection is very wide project any virus and some additives have bought his testing, so now some dairy company, feed factory, meat company, Animal Husbandry Bureau in purchasing this magical instrument. You want to know its use? That I simply introduce the: dairy company are commonly used to check the content of melamine. Feed factory used to detect yellow aspergillus toxin. Meat company,Animal Husbandry Bureau used to detect lean lean fine.

DNM-9606 microplate reader product characteristics:
1, instrument has self-check boot, automatic selection filter, vibration plate and communication function;
2, the instrument can store 200 testing procedures, save 200 group scaling parameter and curve, store 105 group whole board test data;
3, instrument has single, dual wavelength detection two functions for the user choice;
4, instrument has spectrophotometry, the qualitative and quantitative analysis function;
5, can be selected external printer or built-in printer, 640 * 480 color touch screen.
The above is only for this type of DNM-9606 microplate reader are introduced, if you want to know the medical device company perlong DNM-9606 microplate reader products manufacturer price you can call my company customer service hotline, undertake free consultation.

Article: from perlong medical (http://www.pl999.net)
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