Automatic biochemical analyzer is daily biochemical tests do a very important medical apparatus and instruments. According to the principle of photoelectric instrument than color measurement of body fluids a particular chemical composition of medical devices. Because of its measurement speed, accuracy, high consumption try small dose, he now has the hospitals at all levels, epidemic prevention station, family planning service station widely used.
Hitachi automatic biochemistry analyzer agents in market share a part of, we have to praise Hitachi ads do indeed is not bad, actually in the automatic biochemistry analyzer brand, perlong medical equipment company automatic biochemistry analyzer do is quite good. Has the advantage, we generally summarized below:
1, instrument has boot self-check function
2, have electricity protective function
3, instrument of the reagents open
4, have interior control function
And so on, the advantages of the instrument than the four, if you are interested, you can login perlong medical equipment nets understanding. Product pictures shown below:
(perlong medical--fully automatic biochemistry analyzer PUZS-300)
The most important thing is: perlong medical equipment company production of automatic biochemistry analyzer relative to the Hitachi automatic biochemistry analyzer for price, price advantage more evident, overall for high performance to price ratio.
Small make up conclusion: perlong medical equipment company produces the automatic biochemistry analyzer advanced technology, reliable quality and perfect function and after-sales service quality and price concessions, the widely used for liver function, kidney function, blood sugar, blood fat, myocardial enzymes and ion detection, etc. For hospital and medical institutions for, choose the automatic biochemical analyzer perlong medical treatment has become the first choice!
Article: from perlong medical (
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Hitachi automatic biochemistry analyzer agents in market share a part of, we have to praise Hitachi ads do indeed is not bad, actually in the automatic biochemistry analyzer brand, perlong medical equipment company automatic biochemistry analyzer do is quite good. Has the advantage, we generally summarized below:
1, instrument has boot self-check function
2, have electricity protective function
3, instrument of the reagents open
4, have interior control function
And so on, the advantages of the instrument than the four, if you are interested, you can login perlong medical equipment nets understanding. Product pictures shown below:
(perlong medical--fully automatic biochemistry analyzer PUZS-300)
The most important thing is: perlong medical equipment company production of automatic biochemistry analyzer relative to the Hitachi automatic biochemistry analyzer for price, price advantage more evident, overall for high performance to price ratio.
Small make up conclusion: perlong medical equipment company produces the automatic biochemistry analyzer advanced technology, reliable quality and perfect function and after-sales service quality and price concessions, the widely used for liver function, kidney function, blood sugar, blood fat, myocardial enzymes and ion detection, etc. For hospital and medical institutions for, choose the automatic biochemical analyzer perlong medical treatment has become the first choice!
Article: from perlong medical (
Attention: if you want to copy this article , you must attach the website on it.