Combined with the
advantages of the electrolyte
analyzer, blood gas analyzers(developed into a blood gas
electrolyte analyzer) are medical devices used in clinical blood gas acid-base
balance . Obtained after the detection of the blood gas analyzer, blood gas
acid-base balance mainly by three factors, as follows:
Blood gas analysis
detected bleeding gas acid-base balance is also the body a lot of balance one of
its core is [H +] concentration of pH value, the normal value of 7.4
(7.36-7.44). It is mainly affected by three aspects of adjustment: kidneys
regulate the breathing regulator and the body buffer system.
The kidneys regulate
through renal excretion and absorption of H + and HCO3-to regulate the H +
excess is excreted through the urine, and H + is less row or even absorption
from the urine back in order to maintain normal blood pH value.
regulation through the breath exhaled CO2 to regulate, CO2 too much then
exhaled, too little breath less.
Buffer system in the
Bicarbonate - carbonate buffering system
Phosphate buffer
Protein buffer
system is called a buffer system? As the name suggests is to play a buffer role
in the system. Such as to make high-speed car suddenly stopped, which could make
cars and car people can not afford, so a special device to let the car slow down
to such a device could be called "buffer system". The body of [H +]
concentration, if a sudden change quickly, then people will not stand, so you
need appropriate to make it slow down. The basic principle is this: H + + HCO3-=
of H2CO3 = H2O + CO2 [H +] [HCO3-] / [H2CO3] = Ka-(Ka is a constant, fixed under
certain conditions, conditions such as temperature pressure etc.)
gas analyzer measured by
various indicators and their significance. Into acidosis and alkalosis, the pH
changes, pH decreases acidosis and alkalosis, pH increases can be divided
according to the primary cause of respiratory and metabolic. According to
various indicators can be divided into respiratory and metabolic. Metabolic
indicators: standard bicarbonate, buffer base, base excess, anion gap; breathing
index: PCO2, actual bicarbonate.
Article : From
Perlong medical (
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