The patient is a
class of people who need to be given good care. Especially those critically ill
patients need at any time to monitor the patient's vital signs, to understand
first-hand information of the patient related conditions, so as to facilitate
effective medical diagnosis and treatment. Thus, most hospitals selected patient
monitor (intensive care the instrument) may at any time to monitor the patient's
morbid medical equipment
state-of-the-art instruments, patient monitor is a measurement and control of
patient physiological parameters to actual measured results with user preset
security alerts in the monitoring process beyond the safe range, the instrument
will sound, for the first time to the doctor for help ", can be described as the
patient's" personal nurse.
The Perlong Group Division Liwei famous China manufacturers of
patient monitors, JP2000-09 production ultra-thin patient
monitor is the famous brand China monitors the instrument detection
function can measure the EGC ST , RESP, NIBP, SPO2, PR, TMEP, including a number
of parameters, and the ability of these data to be recorded to provide a secure
and reliable data for doctors to view.
(Perlong medical - JP2000-09 ultra-thin
multi-parameter monitor (patient monitor))
Overall speaking,
this made patient monitors appearance novel design, lightweight and convenient
instrument; speaking from the system, the instrument is equipped with advanced
embedded systems, a 15W ultra low power (most China manufacturers monitor 35W
above) to the patient to create a noise-free environment, and does not affect
the patient's life and the rest. A true students of safety, environmental
protection, energy saving monitor.
In addition to the characteristics of the
above points, this patient monitors other features:
1 unique rising blood
pressure measurement methods;
2 live voice alarm function;
3, humane post
fence design;
4, the remote wireless communication system.
Faced with such
a high cost of patient
monitors, you certainly wanted to know how much of this patient
monitors prices. The Perlong medical free hotline you can call 400 -6656-888 or
consult our online product offer consulting in customer service. We look forward
to your visit.