Here X-ray, we mainly talk about the
which is applied in medical field. It has been properly used in
medical field and become a method of diagnostic for doctors all over the
X-ray is a form of electromagnetic radiation, it has a wavelength in the range of 0.01 to 10 nanometers, corresponding to frequencies in the range 30 petahertz to 30 exahertz and energies in the range 100 eV to 100 keV. They are shorter in wavelength than UV rays and longer than gamma rays.
Hard X-rays can penetrate some solids and liquids, and all uncompressed gases, and their most common use is to image the inside of objects in diagnostic radiography and crystallography. As a result, the term X-ray is metonymically used to refer to a radiographic image produced using this method, in addition to the method itself.
So people discover the advantage of X-ray and start to figure how to make good use of it.
The measure of X-rays ionizing ability is called the exposure. Medical X-rays are a significant source of man-made radiation exposure. In 1987, they accounted for 58% of exposure from man-made sources in the United States. Since man-made sources accounted for only 18% of the total radiation exposure, most of which came from natural sources (82%), medical X-rays only accounted for 10% of total American radiation exposure; medical procedures as a whole (including nuclear medicine) accounted for 14% of total radiation exposure.
By 2006, however, medical procedures in the United States were contributing much more ionizing radiation than was the case in the early 1980s. In 2006, medical exposure constituted nearly half of the total radiation exposure of the U.S. population from all sources. The increase is traceable to the growth in the use of medical imaging procedures, in particular computed tomography (CT), and to the growth in the use of nuclear medicine.
X-rays can be generated by an X-ray tube, a vacuum tube that uses a high voltage to accelerate the electrons released by a hot cathode to a high velocity.
Since photographic plates are sensitive to X-rays, they provide a means of recording the image, but they also required much X-ray exposure (to the patient), hence intensifying screens were devised. They allow a lower dose to the patient, because the screens take the X-ray information and intensify it so that it can be recorded on film positioned next to the intensifying screen.
Nowadays, the technology is improving quickly and every forms of equipment keep coming out. Since Perlong, as a professional manufacturer in medical equipment, we have a specialized lab for x-ray tube research. We have our own technology of high frequency high voltage tube, so it is a big advantage than many other manufacturers. Also in the same time, when we make good use of the advantage of X-ray, we also need to care about reduce the dosage of x-ray as much as possible.
X-ray is a form of electromagnetic radiation, it has a wavelength in the range of 0.01 to 10 nanometers, corresponding to frequencies in the range 30 petahertz to 30 exahertz and energies in the range 100 eV to 100 keV. They are shorter in wavelength than UV rays and longer than gamma rays.
Hard X-rays can penetrate some solids and liquids, and all uncompressed gases, and their most common use is to image the inside of objects in diagnostic radiography and crystallography. As a result, the term X-ray is metonymically used to refer to a radiographic image produced using this method, in addition to the method itself.
So people discover the advantage of X-ray and start to figure how to make good use of it.
The measure of X-rays ionizing ability is called the exposure. Medical X-rays are a significant source of man-made radiation exposure. In 1987, they accounted for 58% of exposure from man-made sources in the United States. Since man-made sources accounted for only 18% of the total radiation exposure, most of which came from natural sources (82%), medical X-rays only accounted for 10% of total American radiation exposure; medical procedures as a whole (including nuclear medicine) accounted for 14% of total radiation exposure.
By 2006, however, medical procedures in the United States were contributing much more ionizing radiation than was the case in the early 1980s. In 2006, medical exposure constituted nearly half of the total radiation exposure of the U.S. population from all sources. The increase is traceable to the growth in the use of medical imaging procedures, in particular computed tomography (CT), and to the growth in the use of nuclear medicine.
X-rays can be generated by an X-ray tube, a vacuum tube that uses a high voltage to accelerate the electrons released by a hot cathode to a high velocity.
Since photographic plates are sensitive to X-rays, they provide a means of recording the image, but they also required much X-ray exposure (to the patient), hence intensifying screens were devised. They allow a lower dose to the patient, because the screens take the X-ray information and intensify it so that it can be recorded on film positioned next to the intensifying screen.
Nowadays, the technology is improving quickly and every forms of equipment keep coming out. Since Perlong, as a professional manufacturer in medical equipment, we have a specialized lab for x-ray tube research. We have our own technology of high frequency high voltage tube, so it is a big advantage than many other manufacturers. Also in the same time, when we make good use of the advantage of X-ray, we also need to care about reduce the dosage of x-ray as much as possible.