
Digital breast X-ray machine agent quote | digital breast X-ray machine price how many money

Breast X-ray photography of quality control, on line diagnosis of breast lesions is critical. In recent years because of the high and new technology application and equipment updates, introduce and photography conditions improve, breast line photography had great progress. At present adopt automatic exposure control devices, computer automatic washing programs such as advanced technology, make mammary radiography quality continuously improved. But the emergence of digital breast X-ray machine, becomes the breast X-ray machine equipment epoch-making milestone. Wide dynamic range, digital breast X-ray machine photography high contrast resolution, to impose a variety of image transformation, especially suitable for inspection of breast tissue. But, after all, digital breast X-ray machine was not yet put into clinical use, many large and medium-sized hospitals on the medical device or conservative estimates, choose market use more plant high-frequency breast X-ray machine. Its advantage is convenient and quick, simple, economic, breast imaging evaluation model is designed for testing of breast imaging system performance and the design and manufacture, fully mimic human breast tissue, structure used to clinically found some small image, using the internal Settings of various parameters for qualitative evaluation indicators of equipment function. The body model with human breast shape, thickness of 45 mm width 80 mm, has the very good capacitive and equal doses of radiation. You are interested in, can click on the image below red font from entering the product detail page.
(perlong medical brand - high-frequency mammography breast X-ray machine)

