Automatic biochemical analyzer is used to detect and analyze the life of chemical substances instrument to the clinical diagnosis of disease, treatment and prognosis and health status information basis. Due to its high speed, high accuracy, a small amount of reagent consumption, now widely used in all levels of hospitals, epidemic prevention stations, family planning service station. Used in conjunction with conventional biochemical tests can greatly improve the efficiency and gains. Many of the hospital's medical equipment still rely on imports, so many users are concerned about Siemens automatic biochemical analyzer manufacturers offer.
In fact, in the domestic product Perlong a Medical's product performance comparable to imported equipment, but the price is also lower than foreign products, because of reduced tariffs on this link. Perlong Medical Medical is a large domestic medical equipment manufacturers, research and development, production, sales and after-sales as a whole. Automatic biochemical analyzer produced Perlong Medical mainly by the optical detection system, automatic sampling system, the reaction plate, sample tray, reagent disc cleaning system, mixing device, drive mechanism, computer control system and color LCD display. Click on the picture below Scarlet Letter understand the details of the product.
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