800 milliampere X ray machine price ?
Of course, different manufacturer of X-ray machine whether product quality, function, or price will have differences, and 800 ma of X-ray machine is the X-ray machine in the technical function is more perfect and stable X-ray machine equipment. On the market at present the product sales is considerable manufacturers belong to 800 milliampere X light machine manufacturers perlong the medical treatment. Perlong medical this table 800 milliampere x light machine is mainly used in skull photography, esophagus, ct, mri, gastrointestinal examination, bronchography, gastrointestinal angiography, chest photography, spinal cord, ct, mri, vein, ct, mri, urinary system, ct, mri, fallopian tube, ct, mri, pediatric imaging, interventional radiotherapy application, etc. Application range is very wide, is the hospital and related department the first choice of X-ray machine.
The following simple introduce perlong medical this table 800 milliampere x light machine product features:
A, this kind of X-ray machine for 800 Max light machine, 65 kw high frequency host new design, digital collection, is the guarantee of high quality image,
Second, the performance is remarkable, multi-function diagnosis bed bed body system;
Third, good control system, china medical X-ray machine (gastrointestinal machine) authority brand.

(perlong medical - high frequency digital medical diagnostic X-ray machine PLD6800 (800 milliampere X ray machine).
Article: from perlong medical (http://www.pl999.net)
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