Blood coagulation analyzer is also a kind of more accurate medical apparatus and instruments, then how to avoid blood coagulation analyzer in the test, the operation technology on testing results of the impact, we need to do the following five little detail.
Blood coagulation analyzer test operation technology to have great influence on the test results, even very small changes can also cause significant change of test results.
First, the first to check instrument power supply, light source is stable, preheating time or temperature set correctly.
Second, check all reagent, buffer, specimen is unqualified, if there is any problem with the change in time.
Third, each test before, should first detection reference plasma or quality control plasma to ensure the accuracy of the test results.
Fourth, add reagent to prevent bubble generation, whether it is transmitted light or scattered light measurement, prevent bubble produce is to guarantee the accuracy of blood coagulation analyzer premise, when there are air bubbles clotting time will pseudo extend.
Fifth, in the add sample process in addition to ensure accurate YangPinLiang outside, still should keep blood coagulation analyzer pipette and reaction cup vertical, add sample action to steady, accurate, fast, both must have the sensors fully contact, and can't pause for a long time. During the process of determining should keep reaction cup clean, prevent the foreign bodies fall into the color cup.
Article : From Perlong medical (
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