Today many conditions that once required surgery can be treated by
interventional radiologists. Some of these procedures are done for purely diagnostic
purposes (e.g., angiogram), while others are done for treatment purposes (e.g.,
angioplasty). Interventional radiology treatments always offer less risk, pain, and
recovery time compared to the open surgery, and are a major advance in medicine for
The basic concept behind interventional radiology is to diagnose or treat
pathology using the least invasive technique possible. Images are used to direct
interventional procedures, which are usually done with needles and narrow tubes called
catheters. The images provide road maps that allow the interventional radiologist to
guide these instruments through the body to the areas containing disease. By minimizing
the physical trauma to the patient, peripheral interventions can reduce infection rates
and recovery time as well as shorten hospital stays.
Video surveillance equipment of interventional radiology: X-rays, CT,
ultrasound, MRI and so on. X rays--used by x ray machine(mobile x ray machine, fixed x
ray machine) is now widely used by hospitals.