Hematology analyzers are computerized, highly specialized and automated machines that count the number of different kinds of white and red blood cells in a blood sample. The results they provide are collectively known as complete blood counts (CBCs) or complete blood count with differentiation of cells (CBCs with diff). Most current hematology analyzers provide red blood cell (RBC) counts, hemoglobin in RBCs, hematocrit levels, platelet counts, corpuscular data and counts of five different types of white blood cells.
The original hematology analyzers first appeared in the 1950s, but the truly functional and automated versions of these machines did not become available for two more decades. Before this time, cell counts were performed manually.Automated hematology analyzers have reduced this type of variability significantly.
Among a lot of remarkable achievements in medical science in last few decades, hematology analyzers have revolutionized medical practice. Internal medicine, pediatrics and oncology are among the specialties of medicine that require frequent, up-to-date and accurate CBC tests to determine if treatments are efficacious. It is now taken for granted that CBC tests can be ordered, the blood drawn and results available within the hour in facilities with an analyzer.