The most important application of the X-ray has been its use in medicine. This importance was recognized almost immediately after Roentgen’s findings were published in
1895. Within weeks of its first demonstration, an X-ray machine was used in America to diagnose bone fractures.
Thomas Alva Edison invented an X-ray fluoroscope in 1896. American physiologist Walter Cannon used Edison’s device to observe the movement of barium sulfate through
the digestive system of animals and eventually, humans. In 1913, the first X-ray tube designed specifically for medical purpose was developed by American chemist William
Coolidge. X-rays have since become the most reliable method for diagnosing internal problems.
Since the x ray machine used in the filed of medicine, there are many manufacturers produce all kinds of the medical x ray machines.And the x ray machine can be
classified mobile x ray machine,fixed x ray machine and so on.But all the modern medical X-ray machines have been grouped into two categories: those that generate "hard" X-rays
and those that generate "soft" X-rays. Soft X-rays are the kind used to photograph bones and internal organs. They operate at a relatively low frequency and, unless they are
repeated too often, cause little damage to tissues.
Hard X-rays are very high frequency rays. They are designed to destroy the molecules within specific cells, thus destroying tissue. Hard X-rays are used in
radiotherapy,a treatment for cancer. The high voltage necessary to generate hard X-rays is usually produced using cyclotrons or synchrotrons. These machines are variations of
particle accelerators (atom smashers).
One of the more familiar X-ray machines is the security scanner used to examine baggage at airports. These machines use a very low-power scanner. They illuminate the
interior of purses and suitcases without causing damage to the contents.