Since 1895 Wilhelm Roentgen found X-rays,it has been used in many fields,such as medical ,industry. And it also have many changes over the years.
Health Effects
X-rays became an important medical diagnostic tool.And there are many different kinds of diagnostic tools:mobile x ray machine and fixed x ray machine.According to different classifications,the x ray machines have different names. By 1970, most Americans were getting at least one X-ray a year from doctors and dentists, according to the Medical Discoveries website. A correlation was established between frequency of X-rays and leukemia, however, so they are used less frequently as of 2010 than in years past. Doctors do use the harmful effects of X-rays for one benefit: to destroy cancer cells.
One big change in X-rays is the incorporation of computers, which allows technicians to capture images digitally. Technicians can send digital X-ray images anywhere in the world and can archive digital images without danger of deterioration. X-ray equipment as of 2010 is smaller, lighter and portable, which also represents a significant change.
We believe x-rays have many and large changes in the future.