C-arm has become an essential and fundamental piece of medical equipment in most
hospitals all in the world. A mobile C-arm unit generally includes the intensifier unit
and the television or workstation unit. The intensifier unit consists of c-arm with a
range of movements, allowing for use in a variety of surgical procedures. The c-arm has
an image intensifier and an X-ray tube positioned directly opposite from each other.
Most common uses include orthopedic surgeries and vascular procedures such as: barium
studies, endoscopy, fertility studies, angiography, pain management, urology, cardiac
catheterization and other fields.
The advantage of using a c-arm is that it allows low intensity x-rays to be
amplified, resulting in smaller doses to the patient being treated. The C-arm must be
compact and lightweight to allow easy positioning with adequate space to work around
the patient and a wide range of motion. The name c-arm is derived from the special
arched semi-circular arm which carries both the x-ray source and the detecting device
mobile C-Arm parts.