
Hemoglobin instrument, blood analyzer test hemoglobin principle is the same

Able to measure the hemoglobin of medical devices have blood analyzer and hemoglobin instrument, these two kinds of medical apparatus and instruments of hemoglobin measurement principle is basic and same, it is according to lambert - beer's law use colorimetric method of hemoglobin measurement.
Hemoglobin and hemolysin happen color reaction, once the hemolysin destroy the cell membrane, hemoglobin from red blood cells will be separated into cyanide hemoglobin, with 520 ~ 540 nm wavelength of monochromatic light in flow color indoor test this compounds through the intensity of light, use this through the intensity of light and blank state compared through light intensity, it has received the specimen of hemoglobin concentration.
Hemoglobin measurement common fault is generally unable to measuring and measured value is on the high side or on the low side, repeatability and poor. In addition, there are other factors affect the measurement, such as reagents, light light, bubble, cuvettes problems.
In the use of hemoglobin instrument or blood analyzer test hemoglobin measurement value appear hemoglobin measurement value on the high side or the problem of low how to do?
If there is no "hemoglobin fault" or "hemoglobin adjust display, just the display or printing hints when low or on the high side, the fault causes may be hemoglobin unit besmirch, hemoglobin calibration coefficient is not correct, sample not blending etc., according to the circumstance must clean hemoglobin unit, a new hemoglobin calibration or in measurement before blending samples, etc.

Article : From Perlong medical (http://www.pl999.net/)
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